18 February, 2009

Bipolar Mood Disorder

It is believed by reasearchers that mood disorders are caused by a complex imbalance of chemicals in the brain. More than 40 million Americans are diagnosed with a mood disoreder every year. One of the most common mood disorders is the Bipolar illness. This disorder tends to run in families. It generally appears in the mid twenties and with out treatment traumatic events are more likley such as marital breakups, job loss, substance abuse, and suicide.

Bipolar disorder is when a person has massive mood swings, mania-expansive or irritable mood, inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, increased energy, racing thoughts, feelings of invulnerability, poor judgment, heightened sex drive, and denial that anything is wrong.
Depression-feelings of hopelessness, guilt, worthlessness, fatigue, loss of appetite for food or sex, sleep disturbances, thoughts of death or suicide, and suicide attempts.

Although scientific evidence has proven that mood disorders are a result of chemical impalances, no lab test exist to diagnose this ailment.

Treatments include medication and psychotherapy. Contact your doctor for further information.